"I had suffered with anxiety for many years and more recently had been diagnosed with adult acne, which had flared up aggressively on my face and worsened over recent months. This negatively impacted my confidence, and I felt that I didn’t want to engage in the ordinary day to day activities such as running and socialising with friends as much as I’d like. When I met Clare, I was at a low point, where I felt that nothing I was doing was helping and had resorted to prescribed antibiotics to treat the acne and layers of make-up to mask the scaring and redness. The antibiotics had helped but I knew that in taking this path I wasn’t treating the root cause of the symptoms. I was worried that once I stopped taking the antibiotics, the acne would return. Clare’s holistic and thorough approach provided me with reassurance, invaluable insight and information to treat my condition. We discussed a bespoke plan and implementing daily practices that were easy to build into my busy life to support my long-term health recovery. I saw a huge improvement in both my skin, energy levels and mental wellbeing right from the early weeks. I have found the changes in my diet easy to sustain as I have experienced the benefits and understood the science behind the changes made. Thank you, Clare, for your patience, calmness and understanding - I genuinely wish I had taken these steps years ago!"
"I came to Clare having suffered with migraines for years around my period and even with the menopause and HRT they were not going away. I was also lacking in energy and turning to coffee, chocolate and sweets to keep me going. With Clare’s help and support I have become more mindful and aware of what to eat and what will make me feel better. I have got off the Slimfast and into eating healthily and it keeps me going without feeling hungry and no snacking.
I’m living life - going to the gym, walking the dog, working and looking after grand-children too – I feel more alive! I haven’t had any more migraines or cravings and I feel brighter, more aware, less fuzzy. I feel really well.
I’ve taken a lot from this experience and understand my body more. I would absolutely recommend Clare she is so knowledgeable, and I feel I can believe and trust her, I feel better for her advice."
"I am a keen cyclist, I was fit but I was suffering with being bloated and tired and was taking a lot of medication for heartburn and many other little niggles. I put it down to age and the fact that I wasn’t the best eater. I was carrying some extra weight, which for me, was age related and was never going to shift.
There was some anxiety letting anyone see my unusual eating habits. I have a very sweet tooth and I’m a very fussy eater, even at 52.
Clare took a full history and I didn’t hold back, I felt that I had this opportunity and there was no point hiding anything. At no point was Clare judgmental or disapproving, she started me off on quite a strict regime to begin with, and again I felt I had nothing to lose and so I stuck to it.
Clare also gave me recipes and ideas about which foods I could change along with some meal suggestions and as someone who doesn’t like to cook, this was a big step, and I started making such interesting meals.
Foods I wouldn’t usually eat started to taste really good and I started craving healthy foods and found delicious healthy sweet alternatives and I now crave spinach and kale smoothies, who would have thought.
With Clare’s guidance and encouragement, I was able to make a lot of changes without ever feeling like it was a hardship. Everything Clare suggested was laid out clearly with a lot of good information.
As a result, after 5 weeks I had shed a few kgs and although this was not the aim it was great to shed a few of the extra pounds I had been carrying and couldn’t shake. I had more energy and even became stronger and faster on my bike.
Now I feel healthier and leaner and more able to cope with life. My hair feels good, my nails got stronger, I just fell so much happier. I have not even considered going back to my old habits. I love the joy of eating healthier and feeling better there really is no going back.
Words don’t really say adequately how much Clare has helped me, I wish I had found her 10 years ago, but mostly I’m glad I found her. Thank you, Clare, for your very kind and gentle guidance, for the support and mostly for helping me to enjoy food in a way I never thought possible."
"I originally came into contact with Clare when I was struggling with my eczema about a year ago. I’d had a huge flare up which wasn’t manageable with medication from the doctors.
I reached out because a friend recommended her and I do not regret it.
She took an interest from the very start and gave me a lot of options to modify my diet and lifestyle. Not only was it her recommendations that helped to clear my eczema, but it helped me to lead a healthier lifestyle and has improved my mental health.
I would recommend her to anyone looking to make positive changes to their health and lifestyle, for whatever reason."
want to look, feel, be your best?